From starting a new instrument to learning how to make or mix music, you are in the right place to make those goals attainable. The first step is just starting. Whatever your goal is the hardest part is taking the first step.
Although some would say music is an expensive hobby we have plenty of affordable ways to get started. Check out older blogs for free resources and the best products for beginners! Here are a few tips and tricks for figuring out your New Years' goals and how to stick with them. --
If you want to learn how to play an instrument, make music, become a DJ, or start a podcast, start with a little bit of research. You need to know what equipment you need, then watch a few tutorials or overviews about the topic.
This way you can rule out ideas that no longer seem interesting before you invest your time and money into a new project.
But once you've done your initial research the best thing to do is get the minimum amount of equipment you need to start and find some free resources online! Google and youtube are your best friends. Facebook and Reddit groups can also be very helpful to find a community that is on the same path and can share more knowledge with you!
The key to success is consistency, make yourself a schedule and carve out time for you to learn this new skill. It won't always be easy but learning a new skill is soooo rewarding! Share your New Years' Goals with us by tagging us on Instagram @e2genesis and follow us for future giveaways and holiday sales!!