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With Steinberg Cubase 14 Artist decades of innovation culminate in a state-of-the-art creative suite, arming you with the tools to explore the boundless frontiers of the modern musical landscape, from cinematic scores and immersive audio to dancefloor fillers and the avant-garde. Modular workflow features like the augmented Range tool and breakout channel tab are joined by a bevy of enhanced essentials and electrifying sonic palettes, including 11 VST instruments, over 20GB of sample and loop packs, and more than 2,600 onboard sounds. Plus, entirely new elements comprising a powerful drum track, multimode pattern sequencer, and Dorico-derived Score Editor have been crafted to revolutionize your Cubase kit. From highly customizable interface options and cutting-edge 8K video support to malleable multi-assignment modes and advanced spectral editing, Cubase Artist 14 is ready for any project.
Steinberg Cubase 14 Artist New Features:
NEW Score Editor: Built on Steinberg’s cutting-edge Dorico technology, the revamped Score Editor transforms your composition prowess, transcending style and medium like never before
NEW Drum Machine: An all-in-one drum-design synthesis suite that lets you import samples directly from MediaBay or build your beats from scratch.
NEW Pattern Sequencer: Unlock transformative workflow and ideation possibilities with the Pattern Editor, randomizing and rearranging grooves to suit.
Multi-DAW Support: Across manufacturers beyond Steinberg, Cubase Pro and Artist 14 support detailed project-data exchange across multiple DAWs
Range Tool Redux: As with its predecessor, the Range Selection Tool has been further refined and enhanced to jive with Pro 14’s myriad additions and improvements
Power of Probability: Within the Key Editor, probability values can be defined and modified for every note, individually, including note-on and velocity variance
Real-time Performance Feedback: Thanks to the Performance Monitor, you get real-time feedback for processing bandwidth, in addition to granular displays that highlight exactly what’s causing which problem in your workflow.
Augmented Auto-save: Across all versions of Cubase 14, backup files will now be saved in a specific Auto Saves folder, giving you plenty of peace of mind.
SuperVision: Using onboard SuperVision, you can visualize your meters along vectors of both frequency and intensity, augmenting your relationship with your sounds.
Multi-assignment: When using external instruments or effects, Cubase device ports can now be shared, giving you greater sound-crafting terrain to explore.
Up to 8K Video: Across all versions of Cubase, 4K and 8K video are fully supported, with additional improvements to overall video processing.
SpectraLayers Go 11: Thanks to its inclusion in Cubase Artist and Pro, spectral editing for sound design, restoration, and further editing is always on hand.
Variable View: Light and dark modes are now supported across all Cubase 14 versions.
64-bit support: All project files in Cubase use the 64-bit format, preserving details in every production with exacting precision.
Steinberg Cubase 14 Artist System Requirements:
- Format: VST2, VST3
- Hardware Requirements - Mac: Intel Core i5 or higher, 8GB RAM or more recommended, 70GB Drive Space
- Hardware Requirements - PC: Intel Core i5 / AMD Ryzen or higher, 8GB RAM or more recommended, 70GB Drive Space
- OS Requirements - Mac: macOS 13.7 or later
- OS Requirements - PC: Windows 11 or later