Steinberg Vintage Open Deck Virtual Instrument
The recreation of analog tape characteristics has always been a demanding discipline. The Vintage Open Deck employs the VCM technology to recreate the analog circuitry and tape characteristics that shaped the sound of open-reel tape recorders. Legendary tape recorders from Studer or Ampex have created a sound, which is only difficult to find in todayƒ??s production environments. The Vintage Open Deck is a four-in-one tape machine emulation with different sound characteristics to choose from: Swiss ƒ??70, Swiss ƒ??78, Swiss ƒ??85 and American ƒ??70. For an even wider range of variation, the characteristics can be individually applied to the record and playback decks.
Carefully modelled to the finest detail
Thanks to the Virtual Circuitry Modeling technology (VCM) the Vintage Open Deck not only reproduces the original vintage tape recorder sound, but is also highly configurable. The Vintage Open Deck provides four different machine types: Swiss ƒ??70, Swiss ƒ??78, Swiss ƒ??85 and American ƒ??70. Each machine type can be applied to the record and playback deck ƒ?? independently. This flexibility enables to combine different machine types, achieving breathtakingly sounding results that are reminiscent of the 1970s and 1980s. But thereƒ??s even more to it than that. Beside the combination of different record and playback decks, parameters such as tape speed, bias and EQ settings, distortion and saturation characteristics can be adjusted, allowing the engineer to have full control about each detail of the tape mastering process. In addition, even the type of tape can be selected ƒ?? a new and an old tape are selectable.
Recording Deck
Through parameters such as Record, located on the Recording Deck, the input level is adjustable, allowing to exactly determine the level of tape compression. In addition, the BIAS/Rec knob allows you to control the distortion level. By using Auto Makeup gain, the audio level of the reproduction deck reflects changes on the recording deck but maintains the relative output level. To adjust only the high frequencies, the Adjust High knob is the right parameter.
Reproduction Deck
The reproduction deck offers three parameters, which enable you to adjust the high and low frequencies as well as the output level.
Vintage VU metering section
The Vintage Open Deck includes a large VU metering section, consisting of two vintage-style VU meters and two LED displays, showing either the input signal from the recording deck or the output signal from the repdocution deck. The VU level metering can be configured within a range of 0.0 through 20.0 dB.
Compatible with industry standards
The Vintage Open Deck is available in VST 3, VST 2.4 and AU plug-in format, allowing for multi-instance use with digital audio workstations such as Cubase, Nuendo, WaveLab and Logic.
NOTE: The USB-eLicenser required to run this product is not included. Customers who do not own an USB-eLicenser must purchase one separately. The same USB-eLicenser copy protection device is then used for all Steinberg products that require it.